One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Why Study Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Cedarville?

你想开始或发展自己的事业吗, using your God-given 创造力 to serve o的rs and create change? To keep up with an ever-changing marketplace, creative and innovative solutions are essential. A fully online 工商管理硕士 in 创新 and 创业 degree is 的 perfect way to develop 的 skills and mindset you need to launch your business or take your career to 的 next level.

作为 工商管理硕士 由Cedarville大学的罗伯特W. 石膏商学院, your 创新 and 创业 coursework will explore 的 intersections of design, 创新, 创造力, 创业, 可持续的商业模式. You'll develop a leadership mindset to solve complex opportunities in today's demanding marketplace. This concentration is taught in partnership with 的 nationally ranked leader in 创新 education, 的 国际创意中心 在俄亥俄州哥伦布市.

和我们所有的人一样 工商管理硕士项目, you'll study business through a biblical lens that emphasizes:

  • 优秀的个人标准和洞察力
  • 通过服侍他人来影响王国
  • 管理上帝赐予的才能
  • 用仆人的心领导
请求的信息 安排预约


  • 圣经的世界观

    All courses are built on 的 solid foundation of Scripture.
  • 在线和加速

    All courses are offered in an online format, 1- and 2-year completion options.
  • 负担得起的

    Cedarville’s 工商管理硕士 is competitively priced with available financial aid.


创新与创业工商管理硕士 Program Highlights

认证 -沙巴体育的基督教工商管理硕士课程获得了美国工商管理委员会的认证 商学院认证委员会 & 项目 (ACBSP).

支持 — Dedicated program adviser ensures support while you pursue your degree and maintain o的r commitments, and cohort-based approach builds community and network for Christian business professionals.

灵活的 — Seven-week terms provide flexibility for working professionals, 兼职和全职都有选择.

View thumbnail for 工商管理硕士创新与创业集中


Cedarville's 工商管理硕士 with a concentration in 创新 and 创业 will prepare business leaders who will meet 的 unique challenges of today's marketplace with bold, 创造性的解决方案.



Get answers to 的 most common questions prospective graduate students ask when considering an 工商管理硕士 program.

What Can You Do With an 创新与创业工商管理硕士?

With an 工商管理硕士 in Innovation and Entrepreneurship concentration, you can:

  • Identify, launch, and grow new ventures and opportunities
  • Take on 创新 and 创造力 roles in existing ventures
  • Lead 创新 efforts in your corporate, academic, public service, or ministry leadership settings


Your 创业 工商管理硕士 courses are designed for 的 online environment but include hands-on case studies, 学生选择的项目, 模拟游戏, 个人发展.


我们来听听锡达维尔的校长. 托马斯•白, discusses how our graduate programs can help you steward your God-given talents for His glory.


入学要求 — The first step in your graduate school journey at Cedarville is to apply for admission.


费用和财政援助 -追求品质的决定, Christian graduate education represents a valuable investment in your career and professional development. 确保你的学位也是负担得起的, Cedarville graduate programs are competitively priced and can be supplemented with a variety of financial aid.


课程开始日期 -全年均接受申请, 你可以在8月份注册并开始上课, 10月, 1月, 3月, 五月, 或7月.


以你的本科学位为基础, you will take core 工商管理硕士 courses and three core Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses to complete 的 concentration. There is also a 3-credit Bible course, which is waived if you completed a Bible minor as part of 你的本科工作.

You'll develop a strong business foundation through general coursework that applies to any organization:

  • 企业高管会计
  • Biblical and Theological Foundations for 研究生 Study (may be waived with undergraduate Bible minor or approved alternative)
  • 总结性课程
  • 行政财务管理
  • 信息技术的竞争优势
  • 法律/伦理课程
  • 管理经济学
  • 组织的管理和领导
  • 量化过程
  • 战略营销策划

You’ll take four Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses, giving you 的 tools you need to succeed:

  • 商业建模和创业
  • 从创意到创业
  • 创新的设计思维原则
  • 新兴趋势和创新机会

You can add an 工商管理硕士 to many of Cedarville's popular majors by using one of our accelerated 本科's-to-master的途径.


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider 的se related programs as you consider 的 degree or program that is a best fit for you.







罗伯特·W·迪恩. 石膏商学院; Professor of Economics




副院长罗伯特. 石膏商学院; Professor of Information Technology Management




研究生 Enrollment Advisor for Business and Innovation
